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What is a Marijuana Dispensary?

Learn what to expect from a medical marijuana dispensary and how they differ from recreational cannabis dispensaries.

A marijuana dispensary is a store that legally sells cannabis-related goods and accessories. Dispensaries for both medical and recreational cannabis fall under these two categories.

Depending on the state you’re in, there are marijuana dispensaries for both medical and recreational use. A marijuana dispensary is where you want to go when you need any cannabis product. We’ll discuss how they differ from one another and everything you need to know about marijuana dispensaries.

What is a Marijuana Dispensary?

There are two different types of marijuana dispensaries — those for recreational cannabis and those for medical cannabis. Recreational cannabis dispensaries are located in states where recreational cannabis use has been legalized, and they can sell to medical patients.

A medical marijuana dispensary may be located in a state where only medical cannabis has been legalized and cannot sell to recreational users.

Apart from these fundamental differences, there are many things about these two types of dispensaries that are the same, such as the type of cannabis products and paraphernalia that are sold. The experience of shopping at a dispensary can vary widely from dispensary to dispensary and state to state.

Here’s what you can expect when purchasing from a medical marijuana dispensary or a recreational cannabis dispensary.

Stop Buying Black-Market Weed

Time to step up your game and start enjoying quality marijuana, so you know where it came from.  Many people fear or feel intimidated by going to a legal marijuana dispensary, especially after buying weed from the same dealer for years.

This article will help you feel comfortable visiting a cannabis dispensary and open your world up to the many types and strains of marijuana available to you.

Don’t be Scared to Visit a Dispensary

A legal dispensary is your key to the healthiest marijuana money can buy, especially if you’re trying to manage or cure a medical condition.

They carry a wide range of cannabis and cannabis-related products so that you can decide on the best delivery method. Dispensaries carry different strains, edibles, and cannabis tinctures that are professionally labeled and packaged.

Legal dispensaries are likely to carry marijuana products if you only want to use them for their therapeutic effects, and don’t worry about “getting high.”

Legal marijuana dispensaries also employ knowledgeable budtenders highly versed in all cannabis products. These professionals can advise, recommend and direct you to the correct product to help with your situation.

Dispensary Budtenders are Professionals

When you walk into a dispensary, you will be assigned a budtender.  They are professional and highly knowledgeable about all things cannabis.

You can ask them any questions you may have, and they will be able to advise you about edibles, delivery methods, strains, dosage, plants, accessories, and medicinal benefits.

First Time Going to a Marijuana Dispensary

A legal marijuana dispensary open for business.It’s a life-changing experience walking into a marijuana dispensary for the first time.

Being able to legally purchase cannabis in an establishment instead of from a shady dealer is not to be underestimated, and many new patients and recreational users are a little overwhelmed with the cleanliness and overall atmosphere inside most marijuana dispensaries.

There are a few things to know about dispensaries before going in:

Welcomed by security – Security will meet you at the door if you shop at a recreational or medical marijuana dispensary. Why? Banks typically will not allow dispensaries to deposit their money in an account, meaning there’s more cash on the premises.

Also, patients and recreational users must be 21 or over — with federal law enforcement shutting down dispensaries left and right, tight security is necessary if they want to stay in business.

You’ll be carded – If visiting a medical cannabis dispensary, you’ll need to present your ID, medical marijuana card, and list of recommendations. When visiting a recreational facility, you’ll need to show your ID.

Out-of-state users can visit recreational facilities and present their ID; however, they may have more restrictions on the amount of cannabis they can purchase in one trip.

Browsing Products at a Marijuana Dispensary

Once checked in to the dispensary, you can browse products for as long as possible. A budtender or two will usually be at the counter and is available to answer your questions.

Don’t be afraid to ask — in this new era of legalized cannabis, budtenders are usually very well versed on different strains, uses, and effects of cannabis. They are used to helping consumers find the right marijuana and answering the questions of first-time customers.

Your state can significantly affect the types of cannabis products available to you. For example, New York does not allow dispensaries to carry smokeable flowers. You’ll see vape pen cartridges, oils, extracts, and edibles, but you won’t know any bud.

Other dispensaries may have more flower strains than you could imagine. Budtenders will happily allow you to look at products and even smell them, but you won’t be able to consume them on the premises, and in most states, cannabis cannot be consumed in public. While it would be nice to be able to sample before you buy, it’s just not going to happen.

The Marijuana Consumer Tip Icon420 Tips – We recommend purchasing a small amount of a few different strains to discover your favorite — don’t buy a large amount of a strain you haven’t used before and are not sure if you will like it.

Many states only allow one customer to be helped at a time, so you may want to review the dispensary’s menu online before going if they have one. Or, ask for a menu to look at while you’re sitting and waiting your turn.

Purchasing From a Marijuana Dispensary

Products you can purchase at a marijuana dispensary.

Some dispensaries will take cards, but most accept cash.

You can call ahead to find out what methods of payment a particular dispensary will take; however, it may just be easier to bring some money.

Bring plenty of it, especially if you’re visiting a recreational marijuana dispensary.

Taxes for recreational weed can be higher than people expect, driving up the total purchase cost.

If you live far away from a dispensary or are an out-of-town guest, getting more money may not be easy if you decide you like several products and want to buy them all. It’s always better to leave with extra cash than without buying what you want.

On the other side of the coin, remember that you don’t have to purchase anything — you can leave with as much money as you came in with if you don’t find anything to your liking or if the budtender isn’t being helpful.

You generally can’t return products to a cannabis dispensary, so you must be completely comfortable with your purchase before you hand over your hard-earned money.

Feel free to ask the budtender for their recommendations, but you don’t have to buy what they recommend if it’s just not jiving with you.

Once you buy, you’ll be handed your products in discreet packaging. While you can technically carry your products in the bag if you are in a recreational state or have a medical marijuana card in a medical condition, most people put their purchases away in a purse or pocket until they get home.

Whether hiding your stash is habit or discretion is preferred, it’s never a bad idea to NOT broadcast your carrying bud on your person.

Reflecting On Your Experience

Reflecting on your marijuana dispensary experience.As you’re enjoying your cannabis products, take a few minutes to reflect on your purchasing experience.

Did you like the atmosphere and the staff of the dispensary you visited? Was there anything you didn’t like? Identify why you would or would not want to return to that dispensary.

Try a few dispensaries until you find one that you’re comfortable with. Maybe it will be across the street from your apartment, or perhaps it will be half an hour away.

The most crucial factor is that you feel the establishment is meeting your needs before you hand over your hard-earned money, whether you’re buying marijuana for recreational or medical purposes.

Thank you for reading our article What is a Marijuana Dispensary?

We got to run; it’s almost 4:20!

Trusted Online Head Shops

Green Goddess Supply and Grasscity are the quickest ways to research, compare and buy marijuana supplies online. These secure online head shops will provide you with a large selection and a wealth of knowledge regarding cannabis supply. Buy online with anonymity and confidence when dealing with a well-established trustworthy company.

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