Puff. Puff. Give.
Keep this in mind when smoking cannabis with family, friends, or even total strangers. You will want to ensure you follow proper joint etiquette, or you may not be invited back to partake next time.
Some people’s daily routines include smoking marijuana. Others find it to be novel and exciting. Whatever your perspective, the social norms surrounding marijuana use can be a little murky now that it is becoming a more accepted practice.
We’re here to help you with these fundamental rules of smoking marijuana and the proper joint etiquette to avoid uncomfortable situations.
What is Joint Etiquette?
We believe proper etiquette is about consideration and respect, about realizing one’s ability to influence positive and negative social interactions.
You must be conscious of this power and exercise it carefully when consuming cannabis in front of other people (whether or not they choose to do so themselves).
To avoid offending anyone, read this advice on cannabis etiquette before bringing your stash of marijuana to the next dinner party.
What is a Marijuana Joint?
The joint is a simple cannabis vehicle used to smoke marijuana by inhaling it. It’s made up of crumbled or ground bud placed along a rolling paper (thin paper designed specifically for rolling around smokable material). The paper then wraps around the bud, and the end is wetted to make it sticky so the whole thing seals itself.

Often, a cardboard filter (a.k.a., crutch, or roach) is placed at one end of the joint while rolling, so you have something to suck on.
Humans have used this same technique for centuries to create all kinds of personal cigarettes! But today, you are likely to encounter joints from three primary sources, each with its guidelines:
- Self-rolled: This takes practice! But self-rolling is excellent if you want to personalize the type and amount of weed you are smoking – and practice your thumb dexterity. You can easily find rolling papers with included filters at any smoke shop and many gas stations or markets. Since your first efforts will be a little messy, it’s best to smoke them yourself, learn more, and wait before offering your joints to friends.
- Pre-rolled: Bud shops typically offer a certain amount of professionally pre-rolled joints. These joints are large and fancy and don’t require special skills. They are likely to be the best joints available at any gathering, and if you buy them, you are responsible for how they are used. Of course, they are also pricey compared to rolling your joints.
- Friend-rolled: If your friends or acquaintances have experience smoking cannabis, they probably have varying levels of experience rolling joints. Typically, the friend with the most experience rolling is called upon to create joints for any get-together where joints are needed. This is not a place to show off but to acknowledge who can make the best, most cohesive joint for the best smoking experience.
Joint Etiquette: Rules for Smoking a Joint
All right, you have a joint prepared and ready to go, you are ready for a smoking session, and your friends are there – now what happens? Keep these fundamental rules in mind during these times for proper joint etiquette.
1. Be Honest if You Don’t Know How to Roll
Don’t be fooled; rolling a joint looks a lot easier than it is. It takes a lot of time, patience, and, most of all, practice.

Smoking a loose, saggy joint can be a real drag, resulting in hot ashes falling on people, runners wasting weed, or just an un-smokable joint.
Suppose you don’t know how to roll a joint or are not very good at it yet. Be honest about it, and whatever you do, don’t volunteer for the task.
Your friends will be happy about your honesty, and someone will be sure to take over and help you.
2. Remove Any Seeds and Stems
Stems and seeds do nothing for a joint; not only do they spark and pop when burned, but they also taste bad.
Suppose you’re rolling a joint from scratch. Make sure you remove any that you find as you break up your cannabis, so don’t add any seeds and stems to your marijuana cigarette.
3. Wait for the Owner of the Joint
The owner of the joint is most likely whoever rolled it or bought the pre-rolled version, which means that they also get to choose when to light it and get the honor of lighting it themselves. This helps avoid any tricky “Can I borrow your lighter” business and clarifies when the smoking session starts.
The only exception to the rule is if the roller decides to pass the honor of lighting the joint to someone else. Then, they will be tasked with the privilege of starting the smoking session.
4. Don’t Torch the Weed
You don’t want to torch the end of a joint when lighting it, sending up a quarter of the cannabis joint in flames.
Lighting it, barely touching the joint’s tip with the flame. The art of lighting a joint is a crucial step in joint etiquette, ensuring you get a nice, even cherry on the end of it.
Carefully lighting a joint will also make it last a little longer.
5. Rotate in an Orderly Fashion
These aren’t musical chairs, and no one should pass directly across to their best friend while people are waiting on either side. Instead, choose a direction (left is the most common) at the beginning of the session and continually pass the joint clockwise or counterclockwise.
This rule should remain no matter who leaves or joins the session over time, and it will help out when you’re on rounds 3, 4, or more.
6. Puff. Puff. Pass. – and Personalize
One of the oldest rules of joint etiquette is the adage “puff, puff, pass,” which is still an excellent rule to remember today. Take the joint; take two tokes, one at a time. Breathe gently into your mouth first, and then draw the smoke down for a bit before exhaling.
Once done, pass the joint along to the next person. This keeps the joint moving and makes sure that everyone gets to experience the high in a timely fashion without hogging the smoke.
However, we suggest you personalize the rule a bit. Maybe you’re still new to smoking out, and you feel like one “puff” is enough: No worries, pass the joint along. Maybe you inhaled twice as much as you intended and know that you’ll be coughing for the next minute – make sure you pass it while you still can!
Or maybe you’re just high and don’t want to get any higher. It’s OK to pass without puffing; I promise you, no one will judge you for leaving more cannabis for everyone else.
8. Refrain from “Hot-Boxing!”
Sucking on the end of a joint aggressively or too hard will burn up the weed quickly and create a substantial hot cherry.
The heat from the more prominent cherry makes it more challenging to get a hit, and it can also cause the cherry to run and make it more challenging to get a good draw on the joint.
When it’s your turn up to bat, draw on the joint gently by sucking on the end gently and evenly to consume a nice stream of smoke; the person following you in line will appreciate it.
9. Don’t Slobber All Over the Weed
Another abused joint etiquette rule is taking a hit off a joint with wet lips. No one wants a mouth full of someone else’s spit.
So, do your best to keep your saliva to yourself. If you have an uncommonly wet mouth at the time, wipe your lips dry before taking a hit.
10. Don’t Bogart (Hog) the Joint
Bogarting is one of the most annoying joint etiquette rules and is constantly abused. Cannabis can make you chatty, and as the buzz sets in, it’s easy to get carried away.
I guarantee your fellow smokers will think your story is more interesting if they were just as buzzed as you. If you’re in the middle of a story and handed a joint, hit it and pass it. Everyone will appreciate it much more once you exhale and pick up your story where you left off.
11. Ash It Before You Pass It
You don’t want to ruin your friend’s clothes or the furniture they’re sitting on.
After you take your hit, your last step is to ash it before you pass it. Handing your smoking buddy a nice fresh joint is always good joint etiquette.
11) Keep Things Tidy
Always respect the space, no matter where you are. After you puff and before you pass, remember to flick any hanging ash someplace safe and contained, such as an ashtray. Don’t leave trash or torn rolling papers around.
If you smoke down to the filter, snub out the filter and throw it away correctly. Generally speaking, don’t make a mess. We’re stoners, not litterbugs!
12. Make Everyone Feel Comfortable
Marijuana makes everyone respond differently. Be mindful of newbies in your circle or if someone feels anxious or uncomfortable.
Please provide them with some comfort by letting them know they are among friends and that everything will be okay. Remember, your joint etiquette will speak volumes about your personality and how you treat others.
13. Don’t Blow Smoke in Anyone’s Face
First off, it isn’t very nice!
But sometimes, you can forget about this if you start coughing, laugh, or have an inspiring thought.

Do your best to resist the urge, and always remember to blow your smoke up and out so your smoke doesn’t hit anyone directly.
Never purposefully breathe or blow cannabis smoke in anyone’s face, pet’s face, or belongings. It’s just not very polite.
14. Always Try to Contribute Something
You can still contribute even if you can’t bring any weed to share or have no rolling papers.
You can bring snacks for the crew to enjoy, order a pizza, or take responsibility for the music and entertainment.
When in doubt, offer to buy some beers or volunteer to grab water for everyone. There are lots of ways to contribute! Ensure you add something to the session, showing outstanding joint etiquette.
15) Be Thankful for the Smoke Session
Suppose someone offers to get you high or provides the food and location to smoke out. Be sure to show your appreciation by thanking them.
You don’t have to go overboard (that’s just weird, especially if you’re high); make sure they know you’re grateful for the smoke session.
Final Thoughts on Joint Etiquette
With today’s vapes, incredibly creative bongs, and durable bowls, you may wonder why you should bother smoking a joint. One of our favorite things about the humble joint is how flexible and on-demand it is.

You can mix multiple types of marijuana into a joint, mixing and matching Indica, Sativa, and Hybrids to experiment with the high the joint delivers.
Some prefer to mix in tobacco- a spliff – very popular in Europe and other locales.
Even today, the joint remains one of the easiest, most versatile ways to consume marijuana the way you prefer, without worrying about fancy tools or gadgets.
Enjoy the simplicity, and don’t forget to always practice good joint etiquette!
We got to run; it’s almost 4:20!
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